You have the option of creating either an Email Account (a mailbox on the server) or alternatively an Email Forwarder (an alias using your domain that forwards to an alternative email address). Both are available from the Email section of cPanel. You can read about email forwarding here, but if you’d like to setup a mailbox on the server read ahead.
Email Accounts on cPanel
To begin choose Email Accounts from the Email subsection of cPanel
Creating the Email Account
To create an email account, click +Create on the right side of the screen.
From there, you’ll want to add the prefix for the Email account in the first field prior to the domain name. The Domain dropdown will list all domains hosted within your cPanel account so you can select which domain you’re creating the account for. Choose a strong password for the account and finally, choose a quota for the mailbox (which can either be a hard limit that you define in megabytes or as much space as your cPanel account allows). Click Create Account to complete the setup.
Confirming Email Accounts on the Server
Once an account is created it will be added to the list of available email addresses below the setup form where you can confirm as well as modify any of the details of the account.