Checking Email Through WebMail in cPanel

This guide will walk you through accessing webmail within your cPanel account as needed.


Navigating to your Email Account

To start, log into your cPanel account.

Next, navigate to the Email Section and select Email Accounts


Then select the email address you'd like to work with. By default, cPanel creates an email address for you (typically the first 8 characters of your domain name). Alternatively, you can create new email address like within cPanel directly. 


Logging into your Email Account

Locate the email address you want to manage and click Check Email:


From here you'll be automatically carried through the WebMail login.


Once complete, you'll be redirected to your inbox:




While this guide is great if you're just looking to check email while in your cPanel account, it can be common practice to access your email outside of cPanel in a separate email client like iMail or Outlook. This is certainly possible, and you can read more about this by heading to Setting Up Email on Mobile Devices.


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