Email Forwarding

Why forward mail?

In reality, managing your own email via cPanel can be a pain. It’s a lot of overhead, and the spam management can take over your life. There may be a better solution in the near future, but in the meantime at least you can reclaim an email namespace like And if even if there isn’t a solution in the near future to hosting email more easily, you should still be able to carry you email address seamlessly from service to service.

Anyway, here’s how….

Forwarding Your Email

Under the email section in your cPanel, click on the Forwarders icon:


Once there, click on the Add Forwarder button:


Now you can choose your email prefix, such as mail, support, help, etc. and then add the email address you want this email to be forwarded to. The click Add Forwarder:


After you added the Forwarder, you should double check your addresses, and you should be all set.

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