Restoring Specific Files Using JetBackup

Sometimes you may not need to restore your entire account, but rather a specific site or set of files within your cPanel account. The following guide will walk you through restoring the files and database for a single site. Separately, if you're interested in restoring your full cPanel account, click here.


Navigating to your Backups

First, log into your cPanel

From there, click JetBackup under the Files section.

You’ll then see a few options to use when restoring the content to your domain. You’ll see them broken up into file backups and database backups. Select the option you’d like to restore. If restoring files to your account click File Backups and click Database Backups to restore your database(s).


Restoring Files

When restoring the files, you’ll see a list of backups in your account. From there, click File Manager next to the date you’d like to restore from.

This will show you a list of all files you can restore from that backup. Double click each directory to navigate between folders, and then select the checkbox next to the file/folder you want to restore. When you’ve chosen all files/folders, click Restore Selected:

You’ll be asked to confirm the restoration of the selected files. Click the checkbox that says "Are you sure you want to restore this account?" and then select Add to Restore Queue.

You can follow the progress of the restore in the side bar on the rightside of the screen.



Restoring a Database

When you click Database Backups you’ll be brought to a list of available database backups you can either restore or download and then import into PHPMyAdmin.


To restore, simply click restore next to the backup you would like to restore. You will have to confirm this action, and then you can select Add to Restore Queue.


In the Queue section (accessible under Jetbackup > Queue), you can see the progress of the restoration:


From there, you’re good to go! If you run into any issues along the way or have any questions submit a support request and we’ll be happy to help!

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