Installatron Backup Policy

Reclaim servers upload all backups to our storage server and recently we have run into issues where that storage server filled up and some backups failed. In order to ensure that our users are able to have their applications backed up properly, we have set a quota for Installatron backups.

All Installatron backups are limited to 2 backups per application. New backups created (whether they are manual or automatic) will cycle older backups out.

Also, any backups older than 1 year will be deleted automatically.

While you can configure Installatron backups to go to external locations, such as Google Drive or Dropbox, keep in mind deleting these backups in Installatron will remove them from those locations as well.

Available Installatron backups are downloadable anytime by clicking the down arrow associated with that respective backup.
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Of course, you can still make use of our regular, off-site Jetbackups at any time. Here is a guide on restoring these backups, which can be for your whole cPanel account all the way down to individual files.

If you have any questions please reach out to our Support Team!

See our Working with Installatron article for a comprehensive list of related Support articles.
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