Neatline for Omeka: Database Requirements and Issues

Omeka and Neatline plugin

Neatline problems with Data made before MySQL Version 5.7

Neatline plugin is for mapping places with metadata and geometry data. Omeka installs using Neatline plugin may contain sensitive geometry data. If the Neatline data was added before MySQL Version 5.7, this geometry data can not be migrated for updates or cloning. Trying to upgrade or migrate the Omeka site will fail and can break the database tables and the site. If it was done with MySQL Version 5.7 or later, then this problem should not occur since Neatline changed how the geometry data is inserted. See this Neatline documentation with details about this issue: Neatline Troubleshooting

Trying to update or migrate an Omeka site with older Neatline geometry data can break the site with data failures. It is recommended to disable Automatic Updates in the Installatron My Apps Settings. If this happens, the only way to fix it is to restore the site and database from Jet Backup.

Users with older Neatline maps may need to redo the maps altogether in order to update or migrate the app moving forward. The geometry data is handled differently now by Neatline for use with MySQL 5.7 and above.

See this Omeka Forum article describing the issue with Neatline geometry data

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