Note: this article covers the workaround to access a user's Omeka Dashboard for troubleshooting errors. You can always change the admin password in Installatron, but that can be disruptive for the end user and this workaround avoids that. While this article was originally written with Domain of One's Own admins in mind, this might be helpful for anyone, so long as you have access to the user's cPanel/database.
From the user’s cPanel, navigate to Databases Section and select phpMyAdmin.
Locate the database for that particular Omeka site. Select the database from the left sidebar, then click on the users table. Locate the Super User profile and click Copy.
If you're unsure which database is corresponding to the site you need to access, you can find this under Installatron Application settings > Advanced tab. If you scroll down, there will be a field called "Database Name" which will provide the Database prefix you need to look for.
You should now see a new Super User at the end of the table:
As a final step, you can now set your password by requesting a password reset within the Omeka dashboard interface:
^ Click Lost your Password, submit your email address, and wait for the new password in your inbox.