Should you ever need to restore your full account, JetBackup provides a convenient way to do this and the steps will be outlined below. If you're instead looking for an option to restore a single site or specific files through JetBackup, use the following guide: Restoring Specific Files Using JetBackup
Navigating to your Backups
First you'll want to log into your cPanel. This is easily done through your Client Area and then clicking on cPanel along the top menu bar.
In cPanel, you'll find JetBackup under the FILES section.
Select the JetBackup icon. You'll notice several different options for restoring backups. We're interested in the Full Backups box.
Restoring a Backup
You'll now have access to a listing of the backups which can be used to restore your account. Note that the dates will not be the same as shown in the screenshot below. Backups are captured regularly on a set schedule so there will always be an updated selection.
Click the RESTORE button next to your preferred backup time. Note that this will not automatically start an account restore. You'll need to confirm the restore by clicking Add to Restore Queue when prompted. If you change your mind, you can always click Cancel and choose another backup.
Once added to the restore queue you'll see a confirmation message.
You can track the progress of the restoration through the Queue section which is available under JetBackup > Queue. When the task has finished it will show as Completed.
Congratulations! You've restored your account. If you run into any issues along the way, please submit a support request and we’ll take a look.