Creating New Orders in WHMCS

In WHMCS, you can create new orders using either top-level domains or subdomains. This guide will walk you through how to do both.

Keep in mind to create orders in WHMCS, a user will have signed into the portal, but not have completed the account signup form. Meaning, the end user will have a Client Profile in WHMCS but no product listed. This workflow would also be relevant if you wanted to give a user a second cPanel account.

1. Add New Order 

In this example we will create the account for After the user has signed in, navigate to their user profile:


  • Click "Add New Order".
  • Uncheck the checkboxes for “Order Confirmation,” “Generate Invoice”, and “Send Email” if you provide free accounts to your end users.
  • Choose the Product/Service, add the domain name, and make the billing cycle annual. If you offer subdomains only to your end users, this should be it. Click Submit Order and skip to step 3. If you offer Top Level Domains, continue to Step 2. 


2. Register Top-Level Domain (depending on your setup)

Next, make sure the Registration radio button is clicked, fill out the domain name you selected for the Product/Service field above, and make sure the registration period is 1 year. Click Submit Order. If your DoOO does not offer top-level domain registration, you can skip this step.


3) Confirmation Screen

This next screen is the order confirmation screen.


  • For the hosting account, you'll want to make sure that the Run Module Create and Send Welcome Email boxes are checked.
  • If you completed step 2, make sure the Registrar is Resellerclubcrm is selected and the “Send Confirmation Email” box is unchecked.

At this point, when you click Accept Order, WHMCS will create the cPanel account and, if relevant, register the domain on behalf of the end-user.

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