A handy communications and marketing feature of WHMCS is its ability to manage email campaigns for certain pre-defined groups of users. When you need to let your users know about a certain event or feature happening on your service, you can easily push out a message that is logged in their WHMCS account for your future reference.
This guide will cover two processes associated with setting up an Email Campaign in WHMCS: creating and assigning Client Groups (required) and creating an Email Template (optional).
Setting Client Groups
Client Groups are categories that you can create to organize users based on certain account characteristics. If you are a Domain of One's Own administrator, you may want Client Groups based on graduation year, or that distinguish users as faculty versus student.
To create a Client Group, log into WHMCS and hover over the wrench icon in the upper right corner to view Administrator actions. From this popup, select System Settings.
From here, select Client Groups.
You'll be able to view all of the existing Client Groups in your WHMCS, and Under the Add Client Group section, you can create whichever new group you need.
Now you’ll want to assign users to that group. Navigate to the user’s WHMCS Profile tab. On the bottom right you should see an area for Client Group.
Creating an Email Template
If you need to send a specific type of email multiple times throughout the year, you can easily create an email template in WHMCS and load it into your Email Campaign so that you don't have to write a new email each time.
To create an Email Template, go back to the System Settings page and select Email Templates.
From here, you can either select an existing template to edit, or click the button on the top left to Create New Email Template.
In the pop-up, enter the Unique Name for your Email Template and click Create.
Once your email is created, click Save. Now Go to the View/Search Clients List and search by the Client Group you created. You’ll then Select All and click Send Message.
On the following window simply scroll down to the ‘Load Saved Message‘ section and click your newly created Template.