Installatron "My Apps" Settings and Config Files

My Apps settings for Installatron Apps


In the My Apps section of cPanel, you'll find various settings for handling updates and installatron backups, as well as application information like database name and login credentials. If you're having login troubles or database connection issues, checking the Installatron settings here is a great first step when troubleshooting.

Settings in Installatron's "My Apps" Section are accessed by clicking the wrench icon to the right of the app as shown below:


The following tabs should now be listed below the application: Overview, Files & Tables, and Advanced:


The Overview tab holds administration information and settings for Updates. You can also use this space to update your application password in the Administrator Password field. It's important to keep this data in sync with the settings that you adjust in your WordPress dashboard.



The Files & Tables tab shows information about where in File manager the actual files are stored.



The Advanced tab holds the site URL and Database information. For example, to force your sites to load on https instead of http, you can update the Location URL to include the https version of your domain. Some users also prefer to leave off the "www" at the beginning of the domain as well. Additional reading can be found below:

Finding Database info in Installatron 

To find the name of the database used for an installed application, navigate to the Advanced tab. You may need this information if there are errors with the site.


Additional reading: 

Configuration Files and troubleshooting


error_log showing errors and warnings for troubleshooting a database connection error.

Applications like WordPress and Omeka have configuration files that store the name of the database, database user and database password. If a site throws an actual error message, more details are usually listed in a file called error_log in File Manager > Application Directory. If the error_log shows database MySQL errors like the one in the screenshot above, it is important to make sure the configuration files match the database information shown in My Apps > Advanced tab.

Wordpress Configuration File

For Wordpress there is a wp-config.php file in the app folder that stores database information. Check that file when there are errors. For more information, see: Wordpress wp-config.

Omeka Configuration File

For Omeka there is a file called db.ini. Check that file if there are errors with the site. The error_log may hold clues if it is a database connection problem for example. For more information, see: Omeka db.ini.


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