Importing Installs into Installatron - Work Around

If you have one of our Custom 1-Click Installers, trying to Import Installs into Installatron the standard way, is most likely not going to work.  However, there is a work around for this in which you can manually import installs into Installatron.

Just like when importing using Installatron directly, you can import an application manually from either within your hosting account that isn't controlled by Installatron or from another hosting account completely.  

Importing within the same cPanel account

To start, some of the installers you may need to use this for include: Scalar, Mukurtu, and OHMS Viewer.  However, this process can be used for any application which can be installed using Installatron but isn't importing the standard way.  For this guide, we are going to be using a Scalar install.

  1. Log into cPanel and click on File Manager.
  2. Navigate to the directory containing the install and click Settings in the upper right corner.
    Screenshot 2024-12-24 at 10.51.10.png
  3. If Show Hidden Files (dotfiles) does not have a blue check mark, you'll want to click to add this and then click Save.
    Screenshot 2024-12-24 at 10.57.39.png
  4. Click Select All and then Compress.Screenshot 2024-12-24 at 13.09.10.png
  5. Select Zip Archive for the compression type.
    Screenshot 2024-12-24 at 13.12.03.png
  6. You will want to change the location and name in the box to the home directory and something like (Note: it must end in .zip) and then click Compress File(s).Screenshot 2024-12-24 at 13.14.13.png
  7. This will put in your Home directory. Once you have verified it is there, delete your install directory (don't worry, we'll recreate this in the next step).
  8. Now, go into cPanel and do a fresh install of the Application using Installatron. This will create the directory as well.
  9. Then go back into your File Manager (if you are still there, click Reload) and you will see your site doc root once again.
  10. Select your zip archive and click Extract.Screenshot 2024-12-24 at 14.04.26.png
  11. Type in the path to your doc root starting and ending with / as shown and click Extract Files.Screenshot 2024-12-24 at 14.06.40.png
  12. This will over-ride your current files with the files of your original site and connect it to what is in Installatron. You can now manage your site through Installatron!

    Importing from a different cPanel account

    If you are migrating one of these custom installer applications from one cPanel to another, you are going to want to follow the Moving Content to a New Location guide with one tweak. In the new account, you are going to want to do the fresh Install through Installatron prior to starting the moving process.

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