How to Update Applications in Installatron

There’s another way to update your applications in Installatron. While you can update your applications directly in their respective dashboards, you can update the applications directly in your cPanel as well. First, start off by logging into your cPanelNavigate to the ‘My Apps’ section. 


From there, if your application needs an update, you’ll see a red down facing arrow. Click the red arrow.Screen_Shot_2018-07-24_at_12_26_42 


You can choose the specific version number you’d like to update to. You’ll see the version your application is currently on and the ‘Destination version’ or the version you’d like to update to. Click drop-down menu to select the version you’d like to update to. 13


Scroll down a bit, and you’ll see the option to update any plugins or themes that may need updating as well. You can choose not update these all at once, this is completely your preference.


If you keep scrolling down, you’ll see the option to create a backup of the site while updating. In case anything goes wrong during the update Installatron will revert to that backup to restore the site. Again, this is completely your preference. 32


Once you’ve selected the settings you’d like, click ‘Update’ at the bottom of the page. Screen_Shot_2018-07-24_at_12_33_44


A progress bar should appear to show how far along the updates are. Once the bar goes away your site is updated! You’re good to go!

See our Working with Installatron article for a comprehensive list of related Support articles.
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