Different Versions of cPanel - Hosting Packages

A “Package” in WHM is a specific set of rules that define limits within a cPanel hosting account. A good example is when you may wish to restrict your users to 1GB of disk space, having that as a global option for the default package will help you do that.

Creating a New Package

Navigate to WHM > Packages:


As you can see right off, it’s possible to have more than one package and you can add/remove/edit them from this area. 

Keep in mind all users in DoOO will be assigned a default package when they sign up for an account. So while it is possible to have multiple versions of cPanel, it does require an admin to go in and manually give someone a different version of cPanel.

A popular option is to have a “Faculty” package that might have a bit more disk space or access to more advanced applications and cPanel features.


There are a variety of options that you can choose to restrict. The majority of our DoOO environments focus only on disk quota which we highly recommend restricting in some fashion. You can additionally choose options for how many databases or email accounts a user can create or how much email can be sent per hour to prevent abuse.


You’ll also find the option to enable or disable Shell access (SSH) as well as choosing a Feature List to be associated with a particular package (another great way to have restricted accounts using a default package but a “Power Users” package that has access to more tools).

Assigning a new cPanel Package to a User

If you need to change the package a user is assigned that can be done through WHM > List Accounts area by expanding the domain and clicking Change Plan:



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