Adding SSH Keys to your Reclaim Cloud account

Reclaim Cloud has an SSH/SFTP Gate which is a huge time saver because it allows you to access every node in your account even if they do not have a public IP or SSH and user accounts configured. To use this feature, you must add your public key to your Reclaim Cloud account.

If you haven't created an SSH key pair already, check out our instructions on generating SSH key pairs.

Next, log in to your Reclaim Cloud Dashboard at and click the Settings button at the top right.


Next, click SSH Keys and Add Public Key.


You can give the key a name, then paste your public key in the Key field.


Then click the Add button!

Once the key has been added, we can test it out by connecting to the SSH Gate. Go to the SSH Connection tab, then copy the command under the SSH Gate section.


Paste that command into your terminal and hit enter to connect to the SSH Gate! The first time you use the SSH Gate, you will need to type “yes” to confirm the connection. If you are able to connect and the Jelastic Shell shows you a list of the environments in your account, you have successfully added your public key to your account! You can find out more about the SSH Gate in our Using the SSH Gate guide.


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