Deleting an Installed Application

Applications installed using the Installatron Application Installer can be easily managed and removed via the Applications interface in cPanel.

Accessing your Applications

To begin, login to the Reclaim Hosting Client Area and go to cPanel. From here you should see the Applications section near the top and can select My Apps to view existing installations.


Managing Installs in Installatron

Here you can see all installations that you have created through Installatron. Deleting an installation is as easy as clicking the X next to the install



Uninstall Confirmation

You will see a screen to confirm the uninstall. To proceed click Uninstall in the lower-righthand corner



Confirming the Removal

Installatron will show a short period where the installation is being uninstalled and then it will be removed from your list. This deletes both the files and database from your account and frees up that space.


See our Working with Installatron article for a comprehensive list of related Support articles.
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