Omeka Classic
To generate thumbnails as well as create derivative images in Omeka, you’ll need to set the path to ImageMagic in the Omeka settings. ImageMagick is already installed on all of our servers at Reclaim Hosting and you’ll set the path to it under Settings > General near the bottom of the page. The path to put there is:
After setting the path and testing it click the Save button to store the path.
Note: If you have already uploaded images setting the ImageMagick path will not recreate thumbnails for those items. You can use the Derivative Images plugin to regenerate thumbnails for your repository.
Omeka S
The ImageMagick path within Omeka S and Omeka Class are the same, but in Omeka S, you will need to make the changes directly in the config/local.config.php file.
These changes can be made directly in your File Manager from cPanel. Once you're the local.config.php file, scroll down and edit line 21. Use the path:
Once the path is added, you can save the file and you're good to go!