Editing the DoOO Homepage in the LayerSlider

You can do most of the styling for your homepage by customizing the child theme in its special menu; however, sometimes you may want to change the text or images in the homepage. That's where the LayerSlider comes in. 

The LayerSlider is the tool that controls the central featured area of your Domain of One's Own homepage, including a couple of images as well as the "Get Started" button.


You can navigate to the LayerSlider by hovering over LayerSlider in the top admin menu on the homepage, then moving to Recently Modified and selecting the header you'd like to change (the homepage, here listed as "SU Home").


From there, you can use the available tools to make the changes you want.

For example, if you wanted to change the text, you would scroll down to the area where each layer is listed, then select the appropriate layer (here Text). The preview above that area will also outline which element is on that layer, so that you can make sure you've selected the right one. Then you can use the available tools to modify or style that layer. When you do, the preview element will update to reflect your changes (though they won't be applied unless you save them).


The "Text" layer offers tools to style and modify the "Get Started" button.

While the LayerSlider is a very flexible and powerful tool, these options should be all you need to make quick modifications to the homepage. If you want to make more elaborate changes, LayerSlider offers documentation for both LayerSlider version 6 and LayerSlider version 7, which you can refer to depending on which version you have. The above screenshots are taken from an instance using LayerSlider 6.

Please note that the more elaborate the changes you make to your homepage, the harder it may be for Reclaim Hosting to offer direct support for such elements. You can learn more about what's covered under our support services here.

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