How to Set Up and Access Web Disk in cPanel

What is Web Disk?

Web Disk is a protocol that provides access to your files on your hosting account from your local computer. The protocol is also known as WebDav. It allows access via drag and drop as easy as if the files were stored on your personal computer or local device. It is another way of accessing files rather than FTP which is typically the preferred method.

How to Set Up Web Disk Access

1) Login to your cPanel account.

2) Click Web Disk under the Files section.


3) Create a Web Disk account.

To configure a new Web Disk account, you'll need to enter a Username, select the Domain, provide a Password, Directory (if this is created under public_html please be aware that any uploaded files will be publicly accessible), and finally set the Permissions. Once the desired values have been entered, click the Create button. You'll receive a message letting you know that the Web Disk account has been successfully created.


How to Access Web Disk

Now let's access the account. In this guide, we'll cover how to connect using macOS.

In the Finder, select the Go menu and then Connect to server...


This will open a connection window. The server name is the one your hosting account is using. It's very important to preface the server name with https: and use 2078 for the port number with a colon before it.


Clicking Connect will open another window asking if you wish to continue connecting to the server. You'll need to click Connect again.


A window will open allowing you to connect to your Web Disk with the login details. Be sure to select Registered User as this will allow you to enter your credentials.The Name will be the full username selected when creating the Web Disk account. Once the correct information has been entered, click Connect which will open a Finder window which is the Web Disk directory on the remote server.


You'll be able to drag and drop files into the window as with any other Finder window on your Mac.


Hopefully, this guide has provided useful information regarding how to set up and connect to Web Disk. If you have any other questions or need additional assistance, feel free to submit a ticket!




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