While Domain of One's Own comes standard for all Institutions, there are a couple of tweaks we can make to change how the system functions or performs. We've compiled a list of these changes for new DoOO schools (or even legacy DoOO schools) that are envisioning how they want to deliver this platform on campus.
Domain Structures for DoOO Accounts
1. Self Service Subdomain
By default, all new DoOO setups will allow end users to login & create a free subdomain off of yourprojectURL.com. For example, Jane Doe could choose the following subdomain:
2. Provisioned Subdomain
Instead of allowing end-users to choose their own subdomain, you have the option to give them a subdomain based off Single Sign On metadata like first name, last name, or userID. For example:
3. Self Service Top-Level Domain
Your institution also has the option to provide Top Level Domains for all users at $15/each per year. This is not as common for DoOO schools given the extra cost, but it does allow your users to take a bit more ownership over their new account space. For example:
How Users Sign Up
1. Self Service Signup
By default, all new DoOO setups will allow end users to login & create an account from start to finish, using one of the previously mentioned methods. The signup form may look something like this:
2. Request Form
Alternatively, you can have your end-users request an account first before they are met with the signup form. The request form may look something like this:
For more information on how the request form works, you can read this guide.
User Information Drop-Down Page
After a user signs up for a cPanel account, they will see a 'User Information' page in the top menu bar of their account:
The User Information page (previously referred to as FTP Information or Migration Information pages) includes helpful functions for the end user as they are working in their account:
- Their SFTP connection settings, and recommendations for SFTP Clients, FileZilla and Cyberduck
- The ability to reset their SFTP password
- Ability to generate a full backup of their account for migration away from DoOO
- A free migration offer to move to Reclaim Hosting if they're migration a move away from DoOO
cPanel Customization
All new DoOO setups will be given access to cPanel as it comes out of the box. This means that you may see sections like Email or Advanced that you want to hide. This is certainly possible, and DoOO admins have the power to customize how cPanel looks and feels for end users. Here's an example of a very limited, stripped down cPanel:
You can learn how to go about customizing cPanel here. What's more, you can even create different versions of cPanel for different user groups.
Application Customization
Similarly to cPanel, you can also decide which applications will be available to install and use for end users.
You can view the full list of available applications here, and you can learn how to customize them here.
Documentation Templates
Thanks to some of our veteran Domain of One's Own schools, we've been able to to template DoOO support articles for new Institutions. You can see these templated articles at https://stateu.org/docs/. All new DoOO schools are given access to these templated articles in a separate WordPress site branded with your institution's logo. The next step will be to work through the articles, figure out which ones you'll need, and update screenshots/language as needed.
DoOO Admin Landing Page
Finally, all DoOO schools will be given access to a branded landing page for Administrators that will look something like https://stateu.org/dooo-admin/. We realize that Domain of One's Own can be a lot to take in-- there's unique system links, documentation, admin community forums, the server status page, links to our support, etc. The landing page will be your home base as you're learning the in's and out's of DoOO.