How to Activate the Akismet WordPress Plugin

Akismet is a WordPress plugin that helps prevent spam to both your contact forms and your comment forms. Akismet is so powerful and popular that it filters out hundreds of millions of spam comments on WordPress sites each and everyday. Akismet got its start back in October 2005 by Automattic, the same company who is behind WordPress. The name of the plugin actually stands for “Automatic kismet”. Since its launch, Akismet has blocked over 100 billion spam and pings!

  1. Log in to your WordPress site as the administrator. This can be done directly through your URL with /wp-admin on the end or through My Apps under cPanel.

  2. In the left-hand pane, click Plugins.

  3. Under Akismet, click Activate.

  4. Click Activate your Akismet account, and then click Create a new Akismet key. Follow the instructions to create a key.

  5. After you receive the Akismet confirmation e-mail message, go to the WordPress plugins page again.

  6. Under Akismet, click Settings.

  7. Click I already have a key.

  8. In the Akismet API Key text box, paste the API key that you received in the e-mail message.

  9. Click Save Changes.

  10. To further configure the plugin, click Settings under Akismet.

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