Migrating Known

The hosted versions of Known provide tools for exporting and importing your application to an XML file similar to the WordPress exporter. Sometimes, however, it doesn't work out in such a straightforward way. You may, for instance, find yourself trying to use the WP importer Known provides to import the export from Known to no avail. Fortunately, we can accomplish this in phpMyAdmin.

1. Install Known in the directory you would like it to live with our Installatron application installer.


2. Using your favorite text editor do a find-and-replace in the SQL export file you've created, replacing all the instances of the old URL with the new one.


3. Save the export file.

4. Go to phpMyAdmin and select all the tables of the Known instance. Using the dropdown beneath the index, Drop those tables.


5. Import the SQL file that we did our find-and-replace on.

6. You may find in that import some blocks of content that are unreadable by the application in the form they had been exported. In this event, we'll need to do a custom export of the database we just imported under the Export Method area.


7. Uncheck the box next to Dump binary columns in hexadecimal notation:


8. Drop the database tables again, as described in Step 4.

9. Reimport the SQL file and make sure the issue is resolved.

10. Upload the zipped uploads folder to the Uploads directory and extracting it in File Manager.

11. Rename the URL of uploaded files in the Uploads directory. For example, knowndooo1.withknown.com becomes known.devdooo1.reclaim.hosting.

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