Using BitNinja and Delisting Your IP Address

This guide walks users through working with Bitninja to delist their IP address. If you are an active customer with Reclaim Hosting you can reach out for more help. Otherwise please contact your hosting provider for help.

Bitninja Overview

Reclaim Hosting servers each have their own firewalls monitoring accounts and activity.
For added security, we also utilize a separate firewall called BitNinja. This server security tool does a great job of blocking a lot of malicious activity, though occasionally it may throw false positives. In that case, your IP may be temporarily blocked and you will experience trouble accessing a site on a Reclaim server, whether through the URL or through FTP.

There are a few reasons why IP addresses may become blocked on BitNinja. One common example would be if you have a had few failed login attempts when trying to connect via FTP. Whatever the case, we can help you make sure your access is restored.

Delist Your IP Address

When your address is blocked and you visit a site hosted on Reclaim, you may encounter a screen asking you to solve a CAPTCHA. On that screen, check the box next to “I’m not a robot”.

Once that is solved, select the DELIST button.

If you are able to proceed, then the delisting was successful. If you run into any trouble, follow the next steps. If you use a VPN, the IP address you are working with changes often.

IP Address is Still Blocked

If you’ve tried to delist your IP address from BitNinja but weren’t able to get through, submit a support request to Reclaimincluding your IP address and we’ll gladly take a deeper look for you.

You can copy down the IP address that BitNinja shows or, if you don’t see your IP on the page, you can find it by going to this link:

Reclaim Hosting will delist your IP address if you are an active customer. If you run into the delist error you will need to reach out to your Hosting company for additional help.
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