Adding a Custom Domain to a Reclaim Cloud Environment

Once you have created a Reclaim Cloud  environment you may want to add a custom domain for your application, this post will take you through that process.

Using CNAME Records

Adding a custom domain is done by going to the settings icon for your environment and clicking on Custom Domains:


The out-of-the-box Reclaim Cloud environment uses a subdomain, such as You can add a CNAME record for the specified domain (if the domain will be using the shared public IP address) then click the green Bind button to link your custom domain with the environment. Keep in mind SSL certificates will not work for custom domains added using this method.

Using A Records

If you are pointing an A record at a dedicated public IP address for a custom domain and you need an SSL certificate the process is a bit different and the above step is not necessary.

When adding an A record to map the domain you need to ensure your environment has a dedicated public IP address. Some environments come with a dedicated public IP address by default, but that is not necessarily consistent across all applications and stacks. Also, some containers allow you to add a dedicated public IP address within the container:


Adding a dedicated IP to your environment

One good rule of thumb is that if your environment has a load balancer it will likely have its own public IP address. So, in the example of Mattermost, adding a load balancer is one method for getting a dedicated IP. What’s more, it has the added benefit of allowing you to issue a SSL certificate as well.

To add a load balancer click on the environment topology icon (the gear with 3 containers) and turn on the Load Balancer and ensure to IPv4 switch is selected as illustrated below:


Once that’s done, your environment will now have a load balancer. Click the dropdown arrow to expand the container and you will see the dedicated public IP address:


After that, you can use that IP address when adding an A record for your custom domain. To secure your custom domain, see our guide on Installing a SSL certificate on Custom Domain.

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