EPP Codes (Transfer Authorization Codes)

An EPP code (sometimes also referred to as a transfer authorization code) is the code you need to begin a transfer of a domain from one registrar to another. It is provided by the domain registrar where the domain is currently registered. In order to transfer a domain registration to Reclaim Hosting a domain needs to be unlocked and the code is entered during the order process at Reclaim Hosting. For detailed guidelines on preparing a domain for transfer see Transfer Domains to Reclaim Hosting

While every domain registrar has a different control panel and guidelines on how to get the code here are a few tutorials for some of the more popular hosts...

Network Solutions

At Reclaim Hosting you can get your EPP code using the following steps...

1. Log in to your Client Area 
2. Go to Domains > My Domains
3. For the domain you wish to get the code for, click Manage Domain
4. From this domain management interface you will find a tab called Management Tools and when clicked the dropdown will show the option to Get EPP Code


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