Sometimes you want to build a site on a brand new Reclaim Hosting account before transferring the domain or pointed it to our servers. One option is to generate a Development URL for the install. Another option is to use a service called SkipDNS to view a domain from another server.
You’ll first want to find out what IP address your Reclaim Hosting account uses. This can easily be found from the sidebar of cPanel here:
Once you have the IP address you can enter your domain name/URL for the Live URL and the server IP address at
Click the Create button and a Temporary link will be generated. Click Copy to save the link and Open to open your new website using the generated link.
You will be prompted with the Terms page. Click Yes, Proceed with the proxy to be redirected to your new website located at the link generated above.
You should see your domain as it would appear on our server. This will allow you to even login and manage the site from that temporary URL. You may have issues with Javascript-intensive things like page-builder plugins, but for basic work on a site it works really well and allows you to know exactly how the site will appear to users before the domain is pointed to Reclaim Hosting.