Domain Mapping to Squarespace

After you connect your domain over at Squarespace (they provide a good tutorial for that process), a new panel will open providing you the records you need to enter into the Zone Editor at Reclaim Hosting so your domain can be pointed correctly to Squarespace.


We recommend first removing the existing DNS records from cPanel unless you have additional subdomains or services setup in cPanel to avoid conflict. At the very least you will want to remove the www CNAME record that already exists and the A record for the main domain.

For Squarespace you need to create two CNAME Records and four A Records. The CNAME records appear to be used as a way to verify your account. You can see an example of the two I created below. Keep in mind the Name field for the CNAME will be have a unique code in front of your domain. What I have listed below for the Name field will be a value Squarespace will provide.


The second CNAME you create will have in your Name field (you can also edit the existing www CNAME record).


You will then need to add four A Records pointing to four different IP address that Squarespace provides you.


Below is a look at the four A Records I created for this domain.

Make sure you don’t still have an A record pointing the domain to our server IP address to avoid conflict. That should be all you need to get your domain mapped to Squarespace. Keep in mind DNS changes can take several hours to work everywhere. If you run into issues reach out to support for assistance!

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