Monitoring Services with the Reclaim Hosting Status Page

There's nothing worse than going to open your website and it won't load. Panic sets in, the sky turns grey, thunder in the distance. Ok, maybe not that dark. But how do you know if the issue you're experiencing is local to your computer, your network connection, or a larger issue with Reclaim?

Reclaim Hosting has a dedicated status page at to alert you to any current outages. This is updated in realtime as we become aware of any issues on any server in our fleet. When you go to the homepage it will show a summary letting you know if there are any known issues and which server a particular outage is on.


Further down on the page you'll find not only a list of servers but some realtime stats on our daily, weekly, and monthly uptime averages as well as detailed notifications for any maintenance we are doing.


Now let's say you don't necessarily care about every server we manage (because we have a lot!), you only care about your server but you're not sure which one that is. If you're a Managed Hosting customer or an administrator of our Domain of One's Own platform you likely have the server hostname as it's part of the WHM login details you are provided when we setup your account. For shared hosting customers you can find the server hostname by logging in to cPanel and clicking Server Information at the bottom of the sidebar.


You'll find the server name here, as well as a host of other information


Clicking through to a particular server on our status page will give you information specific to that server like overall uptime, responsiveness, and any recent events.


Want to be kept aware of any incidents on our platform? Hit the bell in the top right to get email notifications so you can be kept up to date on any potential issues. Note that currently these updates are for all servers on our platform and not specific to an individual server.


Hopefully this helps provide some peace of mind and if you're ever in doubt don't hesitate to reach out via support ticket with any questions!

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