With the newest version of Scalar, the YouTube Import feature needs an API Key. This is a unique key that is attached to your Google account. You can follow this guide to get your own through Google: https://www.slickremix.com/docs/get-api-key-for-youtube. This tutorial will show you where to put the API Key in the Scalar file system.
Once you have the API Key, login into your cPanel.
From there, navigate to the File Manager. You’ll want to open up the ‘Local_settings.php’ at the path system/application/config/local_settings.php
Click on the file then click ‘Edit’ in the top toolbar.
Scroll down to where you see // YouTube Data API key $config['youtube_data_key'] = (getenv('SCALAR_YOUTUBE_DATA_KEY') ? getenv('SCALAR_YOUTUBE_DATA_KEY') : '');
around line 36:
Paste the API Key you received from Google in between the quotation marks ’ ’ after ('SCALAR_YOUTUBE_DATA_KEY') :
Click ‘Save Changes’ to make sure the changes take hold.
And that’s it! You’ll be able to import YouTube videos to your Scalar instance.