Domain Verification Email


Verification Link Email

When you first sign up for your Reclaim Hosting account, you will see the following warning before entering your contact details:

Please note: EDU email addresses often flag emails from our domain registrar as spam. For best results, use a personal email address such as a Gmail account.

We highly recommend that you use a personal email account, such as Gmail, in order to guarantee the receival of important Reclaim Hosting emails.

One of the emails that will be sent to you contains a verification link to verify your email address. It will look something like this:

Until you verify your email address, you will see a yellow warning banner at the top of your Client Area homepage:

I can’t find the verification link email in my inbox.

As mentioned above, new Reclaim users have 15 days to verify their email address or their account will be suspended. If you can’t find the email, click the Resend Email to receive another copy. (Make sure to check your spam folders!)

My account was suspended.

If your account has passed the 15-day mark without being verified and your account is now suspended, do not worry! Your website content hasn’t disappeared, you just will not be able to access it until you verify your email address.

I just verified my email address, but I’m still not seeing my website content.

This is to be expected. Because your domain was suspended, it could take up to a few hours to get everything working again. You’re also welcome to clear your browser cache to see if that helps.

As always, if you feel like something else may be going on, open a support ticket & let us know!

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