Working with URL Aliases and Redirects in Drupal

Drupal is a long-standing, open-source CMS application on the web. When working on customizing a Drupal site, users are given the option to work with default URLs or to set up custom URLs for each item and page. This guide will walk through the steps needed to customize any alias or custom URL in the Drupal administrator dashboard.

Setting URL Aliases within a Drupal site can help visitors find the specific article listing or page without knowing the Drupal site's specific node number. (The node number is generated when the item content is created.) 

Note that the following steps will also work to create an Alias in your Mukurtu Administrator Dashboard as well.

Administrator Dashboard

After logging into your Reclaim Hosting account, navigate to cPanel and log into your Drupal site. Within your Drupal site dashboard you can adjust all sorts of options for your particular site itself within the configuration options. Configuration Settings may be located in different areas depending on what version of Drupal is in use.
In versions higher than Drupal 7, configuration settings can be found under Configuration > Search and Metadata. In Drupal 6, the settings will be found under Administer > Site Building

Once on this window, click URL Aliases.


Creating a New Alias

Within the configuration options, you can set a default URL alias for each item/node that will impact your entire site. You can find a list of current Aliases as well as the option to create a new Alias. To create a new Alias, click + Add New:


On the following window you'll be able to setup the Alias of your choice. For the System path field, add the original URL. In most cases it will likely be /node/. For the URL alias field, type the new URL you'd like to use, including a / beforehand as well. In the example shared below, this is listed as /itemname. When ready, click save to create the new Alias.



Modifying Existing Aliases

To make any changes to an existing Alias, hover over the intended Alias entry and click Edit:


You'll see the same options as the above settings. The following window will provide an option to edit or delete the Alias as needed. Once finished, click Save to save changes or Delete to remove the Alias.


Alias setting on Article or Page

When working with an Alias for a specific article, you can designate an Alias directly on the Content editor window. Click URL Alias on the right side of the content editor to manage: 


Click Save to make any changes while editing the article/page.

Alternative Redirect Options in cPanel

If you are looking to redirect traffic to a specific page for one or two items, we recommend that you work with the Redirects section in your cPanel dashboard. For more information about this, reference the following guide: Setting Up Redirects in cPanel

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