Installing and Using OHMS Viewer

In this guide, we'll cover how to install and configure a new OHMS Viewer application from the All Applications section of the Reclaim Hosting cPanel. This article assumes that you already have a Reclaim Shared Hosting account.

About OHMS Viewer

OHMS Viewer, which stands for Oral History Metadata Synchronizer, is an open-source, community archive application designed to enhance access to online oral histories (or other time-based media) in an efficient and affordable fashion. The primary purpose of OHMS is to create a framework, space, and user interface to enhance search and discovery of information in online audio and video by connecting textual searches of a synchronized transcript or of an index, to the corresponding moments in the online audio and video sources. 

Installing OHMS Viewer in cPanel

  1. Log into your Client Area and navigate to cPanel
  2. Under the APPLICATIONS section select All Applications


3. Choose OHMS Viewer from the list of available applications to install, and then click Install this application in the right-hand corner:


4. Next, you'll be able to choose the domain location where you'd like to install the application, the latest available software version, as well as other update & backup settings. You can learn more about Installatron update and backup settings here.


5. When done, scroll to the bottom and click Install. When your screen refreshes, you'll be able to watch the progress bar as application files are installed in your account:


Using OHMS Viewer

Once the initial installation is complete, open a new browser tab and type the domain where you just installed OHMS Viewer. You will see the following page:


  • In order to make your interviews work in the OHMS Viewer, you will need to place your OHMS XML files into your cachefiles directory, and then link to the xml files.
  • Your cachefiles directory is located here: (/home/domain_name/public_html/web_directory/)
  • Your link will need to be constructed like this: (http:domain_name/web_directory/viewer.php?cachefile=xml_filename.xml)

Please refer to our guide Getting Started with FTP (File Transfer Protocol) for instructions on how to upload your files. We also recommend having a look at OHMS Viewer's support resources linked below for additional assistance.


Additional Resources

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