Accessing Sites within the WPMS Network Admin Dashboard

When managing a WordPress multisite, sites can be accessed sites within the Network Admin in your dashboard. You can access the Network Admin dashboard after logging into the main WordPress dashboard.

Logging into WordPress

First, you'll need to log into WordPress. You can gain access through your Reclaim Hosting cPanel under My Apps, through the login URL specified at the point of installation, or through the /wp-admin link ( 

Once logged in, you'll see your WordPress dashboard. From there you have a couple of ways to access your installed sites.

You can hover over My Sites > Network Admin > Sites in the upper left corner.



There is also the option to access sites through a menu option along the top Network Admin: My Sites


The final way for accessing your sites is from the left hand menu My Sites > All Sites


As you can see managing a multisite WordPress installation with multiple sites provides the option for accessing the sites in various ways.

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