Finding the WPMS Network Admin Dashboard

When managing a WordPress multisite, you may need to access the Network Admin in your dashboard to manage plugins or add themes to the site. You can access the dashboard after logging into the WordPress dashboard. Keep in mind that you will need to have Super-admin privileges to access the Network Admin dashboard. 


Logging into WordPress

First, you'll want to log into WordPress. You can access through your Reclaim Hosting dashboard, through the login URL specified at the point of installation, or through the /wp-admin link ( 

You will see a WordPress login page:


Once logged in, you'll see your WordPress dashboard. From there, you can hover over 'My Sites' and click 'Dashboard.'


After that, you'll see a list of management items, like themes, plugins, sites, and users. You can manage the site from here, like run updates, add plugins/themes, add sites to the Multisite Network.


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