Step one: Logging in
To begin, you will want to log into the Client Portal for Reclaim. If you are unsure how to log into the Client Portal, we have another wonderful article.
Step two: Billing
After logging into the Client Portal you should see the Dashboard and the features within such as the top menu bar which includes Home, cPanel, Services, Domains, Billing, Support, Reclaim Cloud, and ReclaimPress. You will want to click on the tab for Billing, then click on My Invoices. Alternatively, you can click on the Invoices button on the main page.
Step three: Select Invoice or Pay All
Once you are on the My Invoices page you will see the list of bill items set to either Paid, Unpaid, or Cancelled as shown below. Next, you will want to click on the particular Invoice which needs to be paid. For this example, I will click on the Invoice #19 which is listed as Unpaid. You can also click on the Pay All button in the left sidebar, which will provide a full list of each bill item due currently.
Step four: Review and Pay Now
Once you are on the Invoice page, this will provide more detail including the Invoice To Address, Reclaim Hosting's Pay To Address, Invoice Date, Due Date, the individual bill item(s) Description, the Amount to be paid, and lastly a dropdown menu located to the top-right corner for payment method stated as Invoice Only. In order to proceed with the payment, you will have to select the Payment method, such as Credit Card, from that dropdown menu. A Pay Now button should appear. Click Pay Now to be directed to the next page for entering the Payment information.
Step five: Payment information
Finally, selected a saved payment method, or Eneter New Card Information Below to enter a new payment method. Finally, click Submit Payment. Once the order has been submitted, you will receive an email confirmation of payment.