Finding a List of All Installed Applications

Installatron, the script installer we use at Reclaim Hosting, keeps a database of all applications that have been installed on the server. Here’s how to access that for reporting:

  1. Access WHM and navigate to Installatron Application Installer. This is a similar interface to what you’d normally see as an end-user in cPanel, however since you are accessing it via WHM as the root user it will show all applications installed.
  2. Click My Applications to view the full list
  3. Here you can see the full list of applications and also run searches to get numbers on specific applications (for example searching omeka will show just the omeka installations)
  4. To find the number of installations for a specific search scroll to the bottom
  5. For more detailed data analysis you may wish to download a copy of the Installatron database. This is located on the server at /var/installatron/data.db. The Installatron database is an SQLite database and can be viewed with external tools such as DB Browser for SQLite.
See our Working with Installatron article for a comprehensive list of related Support articles.
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