Estimated Cloudlet Usage: 4-6
About Owncast
The Reclaim Cloud Marketplace has a 1-click application installer for Owncast, an open source live streaming software. This tool integrates cleanly with a production tools like Open Broadcaster Software (OBS) to stream video to the web. Owncast frames itself as an open source alternative to tools like Twitch. Owncast is first and foremost a streaming tool, and is not a substitution for video recording or performing multi-layering production.
Additional Reading:
Video Tutorial
First you’ll want to log into your Reclaim Cloud account at
If you haven’t installed any applications yet, the Dashboard will look like this:
From here, you’ll want to click on Deploy Solution from Marketplace or the Marketplace link in the top menu bar. Search for Owncast in the Reclaim Cloud Marketplace:
After selecting Owncast to install there will be a dialog box asking for the Environment name, Display Name, and Region for installation:
Once this is filled out click Install to start installing the application.
After about a minute Owncast will be installed and an email will be sent with new login credentials for the Owncast environment. Once logging in, we recommend that you immediately change the password given it is the same as your stream key. In the example below, credentials are shown as admin and abc123 respectively:
The environment IP address will be sent along in this email as well, which is especially useful if you're interested in pointing an A record for a custom domain like Once that is done you will also want to click the Addon in the environment called Domain Configuration. This allows you to define the new domain for the application, which will also automatically issue an SSL certificate.
Once you click change you can enter the domain name and click Apply:
There is also an Addon called Update Owncast that will update the environment to the latest version:
Managing your Owncast Install
At this point your Owncast instance should be up and running at the domain specified with a SSL certificate. In terms of management, you login with admin
and abc123
at to access the dashboard, which will have the RTMP and Stream key front and center.
Remember that your stream key will also your password for logging in by default, so be sure to update that immediately by navigating to Configuration > Server Setup:
After that plug the streaming URL and stream key into OBS (or some similar tool) and the stream will be live on the web. There are other features like web hooks for integrating with social sites, live chat that just works, and streaming from S3 buckets, so be sure to explore.