Update Cloudlinux Limitations per User

This legacy article is a redirect from our former DoOO documentation hub. Reclaim Hosting no longer supports Cloudlinux for Domain of One's Own. Instead we encourage users interested in applications based in Python, NodeJS, Ruby or similar frameworks to make use of Reclaim Cloud, which supports these applications natively.

In the event that you are regularly hitting limitations for users and need to have them increased, the following will show that you can make these adjustments through WHM on an account by account basis for any given user:

Log into WHM and in the search bar type and click the “CloudLinux LVE Manager” view: 


Select the Users tab at the top and search for the user you want to update:


To adjust these settings, click the pencil icon at the far right of the user row:


A popup will appear. Fields with a 0 indicate that there is currently no limit on that resource. Once you make your adjustments you can then click Save.


That is all that is required to adjust Cloudlinux limitations for accounts on your server.

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