Community Documentation Articles

Adding Documentation Templates

Over the years, our Domain of One’s Own schools (specifically the folks at Oklahoma University!) have curated quite a hub of documentation articles for Domain of One’s Own communities. Since then, Reclaim Hosting has adopted their work for other schools to look to, work from, and build on. Every school has a different set of offerings and policies for their communities, so documentation will vary slightly. That said, you can always count on State University, our demo Domain of One’s Own school, having the most updated version of these helpful guides.


If you’re interested in having something similar on your own Domain of One’s Own project, we’d be happy to export these articles to or wherever you’d like them to live. The documentation articles don’t cover every question that your users might have, but they do provide a great starting point at the very least.


You’ll have to update screenshots to match your school’s logo and offerings, but the bulk of the work is already done for you.

If you’re interested in adding this to your DoOO Homepage, send a request to

Customizing Documentation Templates

All article templates will live as individual posts inside the documentation WordPress Install, which can be found in your main institutional cPanel account. 


If you're looking to edit the language of each article, or to update screenshots with your school's logo, you'll want to edit the individual posts and work directly in the WordPress editor.


To manage the order that articles are displayed, or to remove them from the knowledgebase altogether, navigate to the Documentor section of the WordPress dashboard and click Edit under the guide section:


You can then drag and drop each article to change the order that they're displayed:


You can also click the Add Section button to add new sections to documentation, or expand each article to quickly change the article title. By clicking the edit button after the article is expanded, you'll be brought back to the WordPress post editor to alter language and screenshots. 


To change formatting options, navigate to Documentor > Settings Tab, you'll be given more options to expand and change global settings for indexing, menu position, font, font size, and more!


Lastly, you'll find more options to change the look and feel of the homepage in the WordPress Dashboard under Appearance > Customize:


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