NOTE: This documentation is only relevant if you are using the HTTP/3 Premium CDN add-on with your Reclaim Cloud environment, and that environment was created prior to mid-October 2021. You will likely have received an email about this change.
Reclaim Cloud's upstream provider (Jelastic) has updated the URL for the CDN used by the HTTP/3 Premium CDN add-on that is available for Reclaim Cloud environments. All new environments (those created after mid-October 2021) have received the updated version of this add-on, and are using the new URL, but all old environments will need to update the URL used.
The URL for the CDN has been changed from to, and all instances of the old URL will need to be changed. For WordPress instances, there are two ways to do this; if you are not using WordPress with this add-on, please reach out to Reclaim Hosting's support team for additional help.
Updating via the CLI
If you're comfortable with all things CLI, then the easiest way to change the URL would be to use the WordPress CLI. Running the following command will replace any instances of with in the WordPress database.
wp search-replace “” “”
Please note, you will need to be in the directory where WordPress is installed to run this. In most cases, this path is: /var/www/webroot/ROOT/
If you are running a multi-site, you'll need to add the --network flag to the command to be sure you're hitting any and all database tables. For more information on this function of the WordPress CLI, please refer to their documentation: wp search-replace
If you need to install the WP CLI, you will need to install it.
For CentOS-based containers, run:
yum install wp-cli -y
For Ubuntu/Debian-based containers, run:
apt install wp-cli -y
Updating via the WordPress Dashboard
To update the URL via the WordPress dashboard, you will need to go to the CDN section of the settings of the LiteSpeed Cache plugin. Here, you can change the portion of the CDN URL to
Once that change has been saved, it never hurts to clear the Litespeed Cache by running Purge All.