Changing Domain Nameservers Within the Client Area

If you would like to keep your domain registered with Reclaim but want to use different nameservers, you can change these within the Client Area.

From the Client Area homepage, click the Domains tab and select My Domains.

Screenshot 2024-07-15 at 12.54.37.png

Then on the My Domains page, first select the checkbox for the domain you want to edit. Then click the Manage Nameservers menu option at the top of the page.

Screenshot 2024-07-15 at 12.59.40.png

From there, you can replace the default nameservers with those of your new host. You'll want to check the Use custom nameservers (enter below) option. Make sure to click Change Nameservers when you are done to save your changes.

Screenshot 2024-07-15 at 13.02.33.png

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