Creating a Staging site on ReclaimPress

All ReclaimPress subscriptions come with a free staging site. They can be created anytime after the Production site has been installed from the ReclaimPress dashboard.

First, log in at, and select the environment you'd like to create a staging site for.



At the top right, click on the Production dropdown, then switch over to Staging.


If a staging site doesn't already exist, you can click the Copy from production button to create one.


Finally, confirm the copy by selecting Yes.

Copying from production will take at least a few minutes, and you can check on the progress by going back to and looking at the status indicator for your site. When it is yellow, the copy is still in progress. You can refresh the page to check on the status.

Once the status indicator turns green, you can again select the project, and change the dropdown from Production to Staging. This page will show you the URL and other details about your staging site.


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