If you need to use a different version of PHP with your WordPress site on ReclaimPress, you can use the Redeploy function to switch PHP versions. This will also let you select a different version of your container's web server software. Redeploying will replace your site's containerized environment with a new one running your preferred version of PHP, but will still keep your site's database, and all of its files in the /var/www/webroot/ROOT directory.
Start out by logging in to ReclaimPress at wp.my.reclaim.press. Next, click on the name of the WordPress site you'd like to redeploy.
On the Overview tab under PHP Version you will find the tag your site's container is running. The first number indicates the web server version, and the second indicates the PHP version. In the example below, this site is running NGINX 1.24.0 and PHP 8.2.8. Hovering over the version number allows you to select the Redeploy option to change the PHP version.
From here, you can select a new tag for your container that is using your desired PHP and web server version. Make your selection, then click Redeploy. The redeployment process will take a few minutes, during which time your site will not be accessible.
Once the redeployment has completed, your site will be running a new version of PHP and its web server software!