Using SSH or SFTP on ReclaimPress

ReclaimPress allows you to use SFTP to manipulate the files of your WordPress sites and SSH to run terminal commands. You will first need to make sure you've generated a key pair, and added it to your ReclaimPress account.

Start out by logging in to ReclaimPress at Next, click on the name of the WordPress site you'd like to access.

From the overview page, select SSH/SFTP Info.

From here you will find the connection info for SSH or SFTP!

The SSH Gate Command can be pasted in to a terminal to connect to the WordPress container via SSH.

The Host, Port, Username, and Path details can be used to connect via many SFTP clients. Your SFTP client will likely need to be told to use your SSH key to connect properly. Below is a screenshot of what this looks like using FileZilla.

Here's that same connection info being utilized in CyberDuck:

Once connected, you will find your site's files at the path /var/www/webroot/ROOT.

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