Adding an SSH key to your ReclaimPress account allows you to use SSH or SFTP to access any of your WordPress containers.
If you don't have an SSH key pair created on your local computer already, check out our instructions on generating SSH key pairs. Once you've copied your public key to your clipboard, you're ready to follow the instructions below.
Log in to ReclaimPress by visiting and clicking on the account button at the top right of the page, then select Your Account.
Next, click on SSH Access Keys, then Add Public Key.
In the dialog that appears, give the key a memorable name in the Name field, then paste the public key into the Key field. Finally, click Add.
That's it! You should see the key added to your account, listed under the Public Keys section.
Public keys from additional computers or individuals you want to provide access to can be added by repeating these same steps. You can also delete keys by using the Trash can icon.