While ReclaimPress makes accessing and managing your WordPress site much more straightforward, the absence of cPanel doesn't hinder your ability to navigate and edit the site's files in this platform. This guide will help familiarize you with how file management works in ReclaimPress.
Finding the folders and files associated with your WordPress site and viewing/editing them is simple and direct in ReclaimPress.
The File Management Pane
To find your File Management pane, go into the WordPress site you'd like to edit files for.
Once inside your site's ReclaimPress dashboard, you'll find the File Management pane in the File Management tab beneath your Overview window and beside the Statistics tab.
Here, you'll see the files arranged by default in a Favorites tab and an All tab. The Favorites tab will show commonly accessed folders and files for quick browsing, while the All tab will list out all of the files and folders associated with your site.
Working with folders and files
To access a folder, use the dropdown feature to show all of the files within it.
To access a file, click on what you'd like to access and you'll see a concise, general information sidebar pop up with the Last Modified date, size, and file type. You'll also have the option to open the file here, or even delete it.
Editing a file
Editing a file is just as simple as accessing it in ReclaimPress. Once you find the file you'd like to edit, open it, make your changes, then click the Save button in the bottom right corner.