Let’s say you have someone from your financing at your institution set to pay for a due invoice, but you don’t want to pass along your account username and password. You can create a separate users to keep your account secure.
Users replace the Sub-accounts functionality that existed previously.
As part of the upgrade to WHMCS 8.0, all sub-accounts will not be migrated over. Equivalent User accounts with the login credentials, access rights and permissions as the Sub-Accounts will need to be invited by the account owner.
Account owners can choose to invite a new user to access their account or other users can Request Access from an account owner.
Log into your Client Area Portal in the top right, click your name, and select User Management.
A user account with the ability to login can be set up here with permissions to your account. Enter the email address of the user in the textbox under Invite New User. As an account owner, you can either select All Permissions or Choose Permissions by checking required checkboxes to restrict access to the user account and then click "Send Invite".
Once the Invite is sent, you (account owner) will see a success message and a Pending Invites section under User Management.
Note: User may need to have an existing account before you send them an access invite. Else they may not receive the invite email.
WHMCS References -
- https://blog.whmcs.com/133651/whmcs-80--how-to-use-the-new-users-and-accounts-functionality
- https://docs.whmcs.com/clients/users-and-client-accounts/