Running Manifold on Reclaim Cloud

Estimated Cloudlet Usage: 22


Manifold is an intuitive, collaborative, open-source platform for scholarly publishing. The software provides an easy method for academic publishers to move their catalog online and provide a powerful reading, annotation, and community experience for everyone. Learn more about the project at

Installing Manifold

This guide will walk you through how to install Manifold from Reclaim's Manifold Installer in the marketplace.

While we've made this installation possible, Manifold does offer paid services that range from maintenance and update support to training. These services are a great way to ensure the long-term sustainability of the open-source project, as well as get timely support on any issues you may have with your instance of Manifold.

To install Manifold in your Reclaim Cloud environment, start by opening the Marketplace.


From here, navigate to the apps/education tab and select Manifold.


Input the subdomain you'd like your environment to be associated with and click Install.


And be patient, this will take a couple of minutes.

When everything is all set up, you'll see a popup with your Manifold instance's URL, your username, and your password. Be sure to save these credentials so that you can log into your Manifold dashboard!


Your brand-new Manifold instance will look like this in your browser, and you're ready to go!


Mapping a custom domain

If your new Reclaim Cloud subdomain doesn't sound like something you want to share with your audience as your Manifold's web address, the good news is that it's simple to set up a custom domain.

You will likely want to map a custom domain to your Manifold instance. To do this, find the environment's IP address by using the drop-down arrows under AppServer:

Screenshot 2023-04-28 at 1.54.49 PM.png

Next, you will want to point an A record at the IP address. Here is what that would look like using the DNS Zone Editor in cPanel:

Screenshot 2023-04-28 at 1.55.03 PM.png

Finally, use the Domain Configuration Add-On to tell Manifold to use the new domain name.

Configuring mail settings

You'll want to be able to send email from your Manifold instance, as this is what will help people do things like change their passwords.

To do this, go to the Settings section of your Manifold dashboard, then to Email.


Under Email Delivery Method select SMTP from the dropdown menu.

In the SMTP Configuration section that will pop up at this point, fill in the available fields with information from your preferred SMTP server, such as Mailgun, cPanel, and so on.


Click Save Settings and you'll be good to go.

Updating Manifold

While the update process for Manifold in Reclaim Cloud isn't quite as simple as clicking a button, it's pretty close.

The first thing you'll want to do is navigate the following path in your Config area:


Once in the .env file, change the version number to the most recent Manifold version.

You can see in the screenshot above that the version this Manifold application is running is 7.0.1. If we needed to update that based on the Manifold Dockerhub version page we would simply replace that version number with the number shown in the most recent version on the website.

Then, you will simply restart Manifold's docker container by opening a terminal and running

cd manifold/
docker-compose down && docker-compose up -d

which will pull in the new version.

While this is not a comprehensive guide to all of what goes into running a Manifold instance, we hope that it gives you a solid foundation upon which to begin!

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